«We often get more than we expect»

Sharp is a Japanese company with roots from the early 1900s. Nordic Marketing Manager, Emma Åman, is amazed by the simplicity of the creative process and delighted with the collaboration with Klingit after six months.

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Sharp was founded in 1912 in Osaka and has built a strong, global brand over the years. The company has evolved and changed continuously since its inception. Today, Sharp has a business-to-business focus and assists other companies with products and services for the digital office.
– This includes everything from printers and scanners to connectivity and technology for meeting rooms and workplaces, says Emma Åman, Nordic Marketing Manager at Sharp. 

In the marketing department for Sharp’s Nordic operations, four people work on everything from brand building to product marketing and collaborations.
– Previously we used to work with traditional agencies for bigger campaigns. This was done  according to a traditional agency process, Emma Åman says.
The big scopes and sluggish processes suited us worse and worse since nowadays, there’s a need to get material delivered quickly. Until we found Klingit there was no one who could help with that.


Emma Åman read about Klingit in Swedish editorials Resumé and Breakit and was instantly curious about the service. When Sharp experienced a production spike with regards to graphic design, she scheduled a meeting via Klingit’s website, which resulted in a design subscription and an ongoing collaboration ever since.
– We want to be agile but maintain high quality, Emma Åman says. In the traditional advertising industry, complexity of scope normally increases, resulting in loads of questions in order to justify large projects. We needed a delivery machine that’s easy to use. 

Emma Åman is amazed by the simplicity of Klingit.
– It’s truly impressive how little effort I need to input for such a great result. Often we get more than we expect, which also means that we have the luxury of choosing between three great alternatives, which is very nice.

According to Emma Åman, it’s optimal to manage work through Klingit’s platform.
– It makes the whole process so flexible and transparent. I can manage the collaboration when and how it suits me. Anyone in the team can step in if someone gets sick, and everything is collected and stored in one place so we can easily find all assets and production files.
It’s also very easy to communicate and ensure that things are actually done according to brief.


Sharp has partnered with Klingit for just over six months. During this time, the company has managed to produce content for social media, sales presentations, merchandise, illustrations and concepts for campaigns, among other things.

Emma Åman can see the collaboration continuing forward.
– The fact that you can produce all types of graphic projects with Klingit, and that you can scale up and down flexibly as needed, and that it’s so easy to use, makes it hard for me to see that we will use any other solution. Moreover, it’s positive to use external expertise to get new input on graphic production.

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